Roman Ondak Common Trip, 2000, works made by people to whom I described the most remembered places I have ever visited Photo (C) Centre...
Taxes for Artists
We had a representative from Brass Taxes come and talk to us today. It was terrifying , but enlightening. We talked about how freelancers...
Field Trip to the CAC!
My professional practice class took a field trip to the CAC to see the MFA show and talk to some of the curators there. I was looking...
How to do a Seat-of-Your-Pants Saddle Stitch Binding
This is the second in my binding tutorial series. This is not a proper saddle stitch binding, but rather a quick stitch binding that you...
How to do a Simple Japanese Book Binding
I bind all my own sketchbooks by hand, because that way I can spend my money on buying really good paper instead of an already bound...
Interview with Dr. Mark Harris
This semester I have Dr. Harris for Advanced Painting. (This, by the way, is his website: He...
(An) Artist's Statement
At the moment my work tends to be very eclectic, drifting from topic to another as I search for a structure that lets me make connections...